
Takaful (Islamic insurance) industry is a developing rapidly in Brunei Darussalam since it was launched in the early 1990s. It has emerged as an important component of the Islamic financial system in the country on competitive basis with conventional insurance.

With over 30 years of experience in the takaful industry, Takaful Brunei has been long recognized as a market leader for our innovative products and services. We’re committed to providing the best possible service, whether it’s through our online platform or by speaking with one of our experienced customer service representatives.

Being the largest locally incorporated takaful operator in the country, we contribute to the growth and development of Brunei’s financial sector by providing protection products and services for general takaful or non-life classes of business and for family takaful or life classes of business as well. We provide our customers with shariah-compliant financial approaches that are designed to protect whilst also fulfilling their Islamic and moral obligations, and complementing Brunei’s Malay Islamic Monarchy values.
